martedì 8 novembre 2011

Outfit of the day

La giornata di oggi l'ho trascorsa quasi esclusivamente in ufficio...cosa mi sono messa?
Ho optato per un vestitino marron glacè comprato l'anno scorso, abbinato agli indispensabili stivali da pioggia e alla borsa che vi avevo già mostrato qualche post fa...

Today I spent the whole day at work...what was I wearing?
I chose a grayish brown dress from last year, matched with the essential rain boots and the bag I showed you in a previous post...

ma vediamo l'outfit nel dettaglio...
let's see the outfit in detail...

KAOS dress 

ZARA three-quarter sleeve cardigan

rain boots

boots and ZARA bag

H&M rings

Skull necklace and bronze earrings

Asymmetric leather jacket

final outfit!

fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate!
let me know what do you think about it!

with love 

6 commenti:

  1. love those boots and the H&M braclets!

  2. thanks! they look elegant even if they aren't, don't you think?

  3. great blog,post,photos,style, leave a comment on my blog :***


  4. thanks Celyne! I surely will!
