On Wednesday morning I was in Milan for my cousin's graduation in the beautiful Cattolica University...she was really elegant and made an amazing speech...didn't have any doubt about that! ;)
here some pics, I'm sorry some are of not such a good quality...they were taken with phones...
this weekend I'm starting my move into my new house (with my boyfriend!)!!
I'm really excited!!!!
hope u'll have a great weekend too!! ;)
I was wearing:
Kaos dress
Kaos cardigan
Cinti shoes
Coconuda coat
Carpisa bag
Morellato bracelet
Morellato bracelet
Un bellissimo traguardo :) . Colore delle unghie azzeccato.
anche io mi sono laureata in cattolica!! :)
RispondiEliminaLoved your outfit, very pretty shoes!
Aw congrats to your cousin!! lovely photos :)
RispondiEliminaAnd congratulations and goodluck on your move with your sweetie!!!
Happy Holidays!!!
Bella xox
che bello! auguri!
RispondiEliminaCongratulazioni a tua cugina, anche io ho una laurea a Gennaio all'unicatt! :D
RispondiEliminati seguo, se ti va ricambia! Iva
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are jealous I am in Miami?? I am jealous you are in Italy. Love the rich culture and fashion-sense you have, proof of it: These pictures!
RispondiEliminaYou girls look gorgeous!
thank u!! I'm so excited about moving!!
RispondiEliminathanks for ur comments!